I really don’t like winter.

It is the season of slip, slide, and fall.

Of dead car batteries and doors that are frozen shut.

Of slippery, ice covered roads.

Of summer tired cars trying to navigate snow covered roads.

Of zero visibility due to white outs.

Of emergency road closures due to multiple vehicle accidents.

Of sickness, influence, and colds.

Of frostbit and runny noses and potential hypothermia. 

Of snow shovelling induced myocardial infarction (heart attacks.)

Of frostbit and runny noses.

Of Seasonal  Affective Disorder which can last 4-5 months. 

Of  cold, bitter, dark days.

Of people who think -40 degrees is great weather for out door activities.

Those that are happy to hibernate for four months, I say hello, for you are kindred souls.


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