My Cat is Stranger Than Your Cat

Okay this is weird; I’ll give you that right up front.

We got Maggie from an animal shelter so we don’t know her background.

We have found out that, if you don’t latch the bathroom door securely, Maggie will come crashing in to visit.

She promptly climbs into your pants and makes herself comfortable.

Now I don’t normally take a camera into the bathroom, however, this is regular thing with Maggie so, now you know the story.

Sam, the black cat wants to know what Maggie is doing. Sam seemed quite upset over the blow to feline superiority.


Anonymous said…
I'm scared, Ric...
Oooh. Now this is REALLY pulling your pants down on your blog. Kudos to one braver than I. Maggie, you are WEIRD.
Chet Baker steals toilet paper wads, so I have little room to criticize.
Rondeau Ric said…
Sorry phoebe, she is a gentle cat.

jz, I'm Canadian, by definition we are "unusual".
Perhaps Chet and Maggie are distant cousins. I didn't put in the part abour Maggie eating toilet paper. Such a tidy cat.
Anonymous said…
Ric, Ric, Ric.
You crack me up.
Rondeau Ric said…
Good, that is part of my job description. Did you enjoy New Mexico, as opposed to Old Mexico?
Anonymous said…
There is no doubt about it, your cats are stranger than mine!

I'm at a loss...
Me too, Lynne.
Rondeau Ric said…
Everdently I dun gudd. Eyes stumped uz all whit my feline friend, she's a stunner anin's she now.

I have other more disturbing bathroon photos I chose not to post . --- evil laugh---
I showed these pictures to my husband to see if her could figure out where the cat was without reading the text. He got it in under a minute! (And he thought the camera angle was iteresting) Then he said it was only a matter of time before I post something similar!

Rondeau Ric said…
I am a corrupting influence. lol
dguzman said…
My first kitty, Shaboopie, did that every time I went to the restroom--and she was a crazy calico too! My current kitty, Kisses (a tabby), comes in but usually just jumps up on my lap for some petting--which is just as (ahem) inconvenient.
Rondeau Ric said…
I can see where that might be inconvenient. lol

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