Life bird.

Pine grosbeak.
Life bird!
Seen at Berry Hill Trail at Gros Morne National Park on May 27, 2018.
Except for a stray we need to travel to see new birds but that's ok.
I took lots of photos but I like this one even though it doesn't show the entire bird.

A different look.

Pinicola enucleator
Not all Pine Grosbeaks are the same. Not only do they differ in the amount and intensity of red across their range, they are also different sizes. Body size and wing and tail length generally increase from Newfoundland westward to the Yukon Territory. But birds on Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Island) in British Columbia, Canada, and in California are among the smallest of all Pine Grosbeaks. Wings and tails of birds on Haida Gwaii are around a half inch smaller than birds in Alaska.
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