Spotted towhee

Spotted towhee
Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur
this is a westen bird that shows up in the east on ocassion.
The obvious difference as compared to an eastern towhee are the white makrings on the back. Easterns don't have the spots.
We went to see this bird on the weekend and it was cooperative, showing up about 10 minutes after we got to the feeders.

Thanks to George Finney, the property owner who has been welcoming birders and helping them see the bird.


Blake A. Mann said…
I spotted one of these towhees
at Point Pelee two years ago.
Glad to know you got to spot this one.
Susan said…
I don't recall ever seeing one of these. This summer I actually seen a red cardinal though! I never seen one of those until then. Wish I had taken a photo.

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