Me and a bird called Blue.

Me and a bird called Blue.
Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur
I was so popular in Pittsburgh I had them eating our of my hand, well, the birds anyway.

As part of the presentation people were given the opportunity to feed various birds.
I had a handful of meal worms and several species came in to eat. This beauty devided to stay and gooble down as many as it could.

The dark area to the right is due to Anne using the long lens, I couldn't crop it all out.

Have a good weekend.
photo by Anne McArthur


Anonymous said…
You know Ric, I worked at the Nat. Aviary for 2 years and had to clean that room many times! I never had one of those starlings land on my hand! Although I did have the Great Argus Pheasant jump on my back! That wasn't fun!
Anonymous said…
Ha haaa! Oh Ric, we can only imagine what hijinks you'll get into next!

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