The Cottage Yard

The yard is coming along nicely. We have more variety this year and the plants are growing taller.

From some angles it is hard to see there is a cottage on the lot, and that is the main idea.

We have black eyed Suzanne, woodland sun flower, bee balm, flee bane, Canadian anemone and other’s whose names I don’t know.

We are trying to obtain other plants that are native to the park and appropriate for the local habitat. Different colours and later blooming times would be good.

We have asters that are later in the season but more species are needed.


I LOVE that you are planting natives! It has made such a wonderful difference in our can look out our windows at any time of day and see a bird.
I like how all the plants have screened out much of the cottage.
Rondeau Ric said…
Thanks Susan. We worked at it to try to attract butterflys and birds.
We hae a large variety of mammals tha come in as well.

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