
Sad eyes.

This is a feral cat that has started coming to our yard.  With the feeders and water it is an attractive place for birds, and predators. I would like to trap it and take it to the humane society. We will see what happens. I think its eyes are sad. October 10, 2024, Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario , Canada. 

Black throated green warbler with its encontorage

Surrounded by 5 yellow-rumped warblers, one is out of the frame. The pond continues to be busy with multiple species of birds bathing at the same time. Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, October 1, 2024. Setophaga virens Black-throated Green Warblers are not typically a backyard bird and don’t come to feeders, but yards with large mature trees may host them in migration.

Bath time.

Short video of one of many birds coming in to our water feature for a bath. Yellow romped warbler, Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, September 30, 2024.

Wow, what a day.

 Migrating birds were piling up in the yard with 11 species of warblers and a total of 35 species for the day. There were 5 Nashville warblers in our little water feature, managed to get this image of four of them. Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, Sept 29, 2024. Leiothlypis ruficapilla Nashville Warblers have been known to use porcupine quills as nest material.

Common grackle.

 Looks displeased with the water, perhaps the temperature is wrong or it's just in a bad mood. Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, Sept 26, 2024. Quiscalus quiscula Common Grackles are resourceful foragers. They sometimes follow plows to catch invertebrates and mice, wade into water to catch small fish, pick leeches off the legs of turtles, steal worms from American Robins, raid nests, and kill and eat adult birds.

She ain't heavy, she's my sister.

When one of the kittens sits in your lap the other will get jealous and plop right on top of the other. Neither seems to care and they just stay there. Nellie and Mickey, Sept 24, 2024.

Scarlet Tanager.

 The spring and fall plumage is entirely different on this bird. I am red/green spectrum impaired ( fancy for colour blind) and I thought people were messing with me when I started birding and they were telling me both are male tanager. May 10, 2014, Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, canada. September 21, 2024, Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. Piranga olivacea In fall, males trade red feathers for yellow-green and the birds take off for northern South America. Male Scarlet Tanagers are among the most blindingly gorgeous birds in an eastern forest in summer, with blood-red bodies set off by jet-black wings and tail