
Showing posts from July, 2017

Not much freeboard.

Not made for rough water. Spotted this aquacar at Erieau Marina today. They were doing fine until the got to the main channel and encountered rough waters and inconsiderate boaters. Not much freeboard on this contraption. The turned back and cruised the marina before driving away.

Blanding's turtle.

Got out on the pontoon today, I even got to drive. One of the things we saw was this Blanding's turtle sitting at the edge of the marsh. Emydoidea blandingii Blanding's Turtles live in shallow water, usually in large wetlands and shallow lakes with lots of water plants. It is not unusual, though, to find them hundreds of metres from the nearest water body, especially while they are searching for a mate or traveling to a nesting site. Blanding's Turtles hibernate in the mud at the bottom of permanent water bodies from late October until the end of April. source -

Spring peeper.

Anne spotted this tiny spring peeper on a wire fence in the front yard. Tiny thing, maybe 1"(2.4cm) in length. It moved around from plant to plant. Pseudacris crucifer The tiny spring peeper is tan or light brown in colour with a darker X-shaped marking on the back. The largest peeper on record was a mere 3.7 centimetres long. The breeding call of this species is a single, loud, high-pitched peep repeated over and over. A full chorus can be deafening up close and can be heard over a kilometre away. In large choruses, peepers will also trill, advising other males to keep their distance. source-

Eastern Kingbird, Rondeau Provincial Park, June 2017

Delivering fruit to its young, probably a raspberry. Tyrannus tyrannus Parent Eastern Kingbirds feed their young for about seven weeks. Because of this relatively long period of dependence, a pair generally raises only one brood of young per nesting season. source - …/Eastern_Kingbird/lifehistory

Red-headed woodpecker, immature.

Most of the adults have stopped feeding young birds. It is fun to watch the youngsters try to figure out the feeders. This is an immature redheaded woodpecker. Melanerpes erythrocephalus Immatures have gray-brown heads, and the white wing patches show rows of black spots near the trailing edge. Adults have bright-red heads, white underparts, and black backs with large white patches in the wings, making the lower back appear all white when perched source -

Immature male red winged blackbird.

Enjoying a bath on a hot day. Not a large selection of birds around the yard these days but their is lots of activity. Agelaius phoeniceus Red-winged Blackbirds roost in flocks in all months of the year. In summer small numbers roost in the wetlands where the birds breed. Winter flocks can be congregations of several million birds, including other blackbird species and starlings. Each morning the roosts spread out, traveling as far as 50 miles to feed, then re-forming at night. source -…/Red-winged_Blac…/lifehistory

When nature gives you wrens, you post wrens.

This is a Carolina Wren in the hedge in bad light. Yes excuses, excuses. Thryothorus ludovicianus A pair bond may form between a male and a female at any time of the year, and the pair will stay together for life. Members of a pair stay together on their territory year-round, and forage and move around the territory together.

Who's a pretty boy?

Not me but that's okay. Had two surgeons do a 7 hour open heart surgery on Tues July 4, now I'm back home. Won't be doing much on flickr but don't forget about me , new photos coming.

A few yard visitors this morning

Sitting in the yard having coffee this morning. Cardinal Male and female cowbirds Male rose breasted grosbeak House finch - hitching a ride. Ruby throated hummingbird- juggling breakfast. White breasted nuthatch - male pattern baldness. Red bellied woodpecker Red-headed woodpecker Swallows

Magnificent Frigatebird, Leamington, Ontario, July 1, 2017

Like many birders from southwest Ontario we went to Leamington to see the magnificent frigatebird. Very co-operative, sitting in the same tree it has been seen in for the past two days. A big thank you to the homeowner who is allowing birders on to his property to get stellar views of this rare bird. It has been seen flying and catching fish so, hopefully it will stay a while. We saw one at Rondeau on July 2, 2012, and this one July 1, 2017. Fregata magnificens The male Magnificent Frigatebird abandons its mate and half-grown chick and leaves the breeding colony, presumably to molt and return for another breeding attempt with a different mate. The female cares for the young for over a year. This difference in parental care allows the male to breed each year while the female breeds only every other year. source - …/Magnificent_Fri…/lifehistory

Tufted titmouse.

Obviously it isn't showing its crest/tuft, probably because it was having a bath. This is the first time I can recall getting photos of a titmouse at the pond. Baeolophus bicolor Tufted Titmice hoard food in fall and winter, a behavior they share with many of their relatives, including the chickadees and tits. Titmice take advantage of a bird feeder’s bounty by storing many of the seeds they get. Usually, the storage sites are within 130 feet of the feeder. The birds take only one seed per trip and usually shell the seeds before hiding them. source -