
Carolina wren

 We catch looks of the Carolina wren most days but photographing them can be difficult. Rondeau Provincial Park Ontario, Canada, February 13, 2025. Thryothorus ludovicianus Unlike other wren species in its genus, only the male Carolina Wren sings the loud song. In other species, such as the Stripe-breasted Wren of Central America, both members of a pair sing together. The male and female sing different parts, and usually interweave their songs such that they sound like a single bird singing.

Election time.

I could tell it was election time in Canada and Ontario. Had a rafter of 7 turkeys show up in the yard today. Not sure which political party they represented but they all fed off the corn that was out for the little birds. Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, February 10, 2025. Meleagris gallopavo The Wild Turkey and the Muscovy Duck are the only two domesticated birds native to the New World.

I taught the cat a trick to lighten your mood.

He's not going to do it, of course, not today. Maybe later. Probably never.

On thin ice.

 Northern cardinal on the ice in our water feature, Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, January 2025. Cardinalis cardinalis The male cardinal fiercely defends its breeding territory from other males. When a male sees its reflection in glass surfaces, it frequently will spend hours fighting the imaginary intruder.

You look'n at me?

Bluejay up close and personal, Rondeau Provincial Park , November 18, 2022, in our yard. Cyanocitta cristata Familiar but stunning jay found year-round throughout most of eastern North America. Bright blue above and pale gray below with a fluffy crest. Also look for black necklace and black and white markings on the wings and tail. Pairs or small groups travel through mature deciduous or coniferous woodlands, often revealing their presence with loud, harsh “jay” calls. Frequently visits bird feeders, where it is often aggressive towards other birds.

Butterfly eyes.

 Don't know what type of butterfly this is but I liked the eyes. Taken in our front yard July 2023. Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario , Canada.

Eastern Bluebird

I am tired of the grey skies and cold weather so I am posting one from the archives to warm us all up.  Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, May 6, 2010. Sialia sialis Eastern Bluebirds eat mostly insects, wild fruit and berries. Occasionally, Eastern Bluebirds have also been observed capturing and eating larger prey items such as shrews, salamanders, snakes, lizards and tree frogs.