
Showing posts from December, 2012

You know that ugly scruffy hair look that's popular these days?

You know that ugly scruffy hair look that's popular these days? , a photo by ricmcarthur on Flickr. Well this is where it started.

Lesser goldfinch

Lesser goldfinch , a photo by ricmcarthur on Flickr. Such a good looking bird to be called lesser. This is a male with a black cap and black back. Yellow underneath and white on the wings Carduelis psaltria

Buff-Bellied Hummingbird

Buff-Bellied Hummingbird , a photo by ricmcarthur on Flickr. We saw this hummingbird on our first trip to Texas. Nice of him to sit out in the open. amazilia yucatanensis

Cardinals really are a stunning bird.

Cardinals really are a stunning bird. , a photo by ricmcarthur on Flickr. As a year round bird I tend not to look closely at cardinals because they are just cardinals. When I do stop and look I am impressed all over again. Cardinalis cardinalis

California Towhee

California Towhee , a photo by ricmcarthur on Flickr. A drab bird about 9 inches long that likes to hide in bushes. Definitely the least colourful towhee we have seen. Still it was another first. Someday I should add up the birds we have seen. Pipilo crissalis

Golden-crowned sparrow

Golden-crowned sparrow , a photo by ricmcarthur on Flickr. This is another life bird we saw at Eaton Canyon in Pasadena. Amazing colour on the crown of its head. Zonotrichia leucophrys