
Showing posts from May, 2009

Horned grebe

Horned grebe Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur Went out on the boat yesterday and found this grebe waiting for me. Very cooperative, swam right up to the boat Podiceps auritus

I can't believe I ate the whole thing.

I can't believe I ate the whole thing. Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur You can get squirrel proof feeders but there is no such thing as a raccoon proof feeder. He obviously wasn't concerned by my presence.

Through a green veil

Through a green veil Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur MYTH Photographing warblers is easy. They sit out in the open, in perfect light doing something interesting. FACT They know where ever leaf and twig are and use them to maximum advantage, they never sit in the open and the light is always wrong.


Whimbrel Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur We took some birders out on the boat and had great looks at a number of shore birds. This is a s close as I've gotten to whimbrel. Rondeau is a major migration site, lesser known than Point Pelee but still excellent.

The majick eye

The majick eye Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur Anne found this frog sitting on top of a gate. I think it is a grey tree frog, but I'm not sure. He stood out against the colour of the gate. I love the eye. Low res due to dial up.

didn't see the wet paint sign

didn't see the wet paint sign Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur An odd colour variation

Fox snake

Fox snake Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur A 3-4 foot fox snake basked on top of a mound on a trail at Rondeau this weekend, It is either a threatened or endangered species. Birding was slow and I had the need to photo something. Have a good week.

I'll hide behind this branch so he can't see me.

I'll hide behind this branch so he can't see me. Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur For non birders this is a very typical look at a bird. There is always a branch in the way assuming you can see it at all. There are two sides of a tree, the one you're on and the one the bird is on.

Here froggy, froggy, froggy.

Here froggy, froggy, froggy. Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur Snack time at Rondeau? When there are no birds around anything is fair game for the camera.

Why did the woodcock cross the road?

Why did the woodcock cross the road? Originally uploaded by ricmcarthur I'm not sure and neither is he. He does have a nice "walk like an Egyptian" thing going.