
Sparkling violet eared hummingbird.

Nice sunny day but far too cold to be trying to get decent images. Therefore, back to the archives for this  hummingbird from Ecuador, March 2016 near Tandayapa, about 37 miles (60km)   outside of Quito   Colibri coruscans  3.5 cm (5.3 in) .  The Sparkling Violetear is “sparkling” green with conspicuous violet sides of the cheeks and ear tufts. It has a blue patch on the belly. The undertail coverts are green with feathers fringed with whitish. The tail is green and square with a dark terminal band.  The bill is black and gently decurved.

Another grey day.

  March 19, 2016,  flame faced tanager, Ecuador. Near Quito.

Sparkling violet-ear hummingbird.

 Some colour on a cold winters day. Ecuador March 16, 2016

Cost of living

Everyone complains about the cost of living but no one wants to give it up.

Another grey day.

Overcast, below freezing, snowing. Some colour for your day.  

I don't do midnight

When you are little you don't notice that a night is special, then you know the adults seem excited. Later you know more and you get excited about a special night. Eventually you lose interest and it just becomes another night, no need to stay up late. I don't do midnight. Happy New Year.

Odd feathers

  Nashville warbler, Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, May t, 2019. The reddish colour actually occurs mid-way in the feather, with the tip and base being gray. Leiothlypis ruficapilla